About the Course
This course provides an in-depth examination of the essential elements that shape the specification of wood ceiling and wall systems. It addresses the advantages of these ceiling and wall and wall systems, explores various material choices such as veneers, solid wood, and reclaimed wood, and discusses sustainability features along with performance attributes.
Learning Objectives
1. Determine and acknowledge the features of wood ceiling and wall systems that enhance the comfort, health, and overall well-being of occupants.
2. Examine the concepts of acoustic comfort and their impact on the health and well-being ofindividuals within built environments.
3. Evaluate methods for integrating various elements of acoustic ceiling and wall design to create acohesive solution that enhances indoor environments.
4. Specify fully integrated systems applicable to various green and traditional buildings and makesuitable selections for specific applications. To earn AIA credit, it is necessary to successfullycomplete the quiz.